DR in Pheonix, AZ recommended by one of our members

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Mike Bartolatz
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DR in Pheonix, AZ recommended by one of our members

Post by Mike Bartolatz »


Hi Mike.
I said I would let you know how my apptment went with Dr. Mandi Conway. I thought she was great. She listened to my whole story before jumping to any conclusions. She is requesting all my records from my rhuematologist to decide what further tests to order. She said again we might not find anything right away but she believes my conditions warrant serious consideration. She believes due to the chronic problems with iritis in both eyes I havent seen the end of further episodes of flareups in my whole body. She used cocaine drops in my right eye with the intent of "unsticking" the iris due to the fact my pupil looks like a clover leaf when dilated. Over all I think she is a good doctor Very knowledgeable with Irits and uveitis as that is all she treats. She uses a whole system approach which I appreciated as I had gotten no wear with the rhuematologist. So I would say if you hear from anyone who needs a good Doc in Phoenix send them to her

Associated Retina Consultants
7600 N 15th Ave
Suite 155
Phoenix AZ 85020

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Mike Bartolatz
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Post by v »

I was wondering if this doctor also helps w/ the cause of iritis or if you could recommed a doctor in the phoenix area who could get to the root of the problem.
I have had iritis four times this year the first was severe and my vision was extremely blurred for 3 months.. i then had 2 more outbreaks in the same eye but were very mild... I now have iritis in the opposite eye and is more severe. By this point my doctors are convinced there is something underlying, but I'm not sure where to go. I had some random tests done by my family doctor who said everything came back normal. Any suggestions would really help... :lol: [/quote]
Mike Bartolatz
Posts: 6595
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DR Mandi Conway, Arizona

Post by Mike Bartolatz »

http://www.associatedretinaconsultants. ... conway.htm
contact information For Dr Conway

the best opthalmologists in your is Dr Albert Vitale in Salt Lake City,
recent feedback from a patient in AZ indicates DR Conway is willing to work with DR Vitale and she does outstanding workups and is very knowledgeable about all forms of Ocular inlfammatory disease.

Wish you the best,
Mike Bartolatz
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:34 am

Re: DR in Pheonix, AZ recommended by one of our members

Post by specedteacher »


I am seeing Dr. Robert Gross at the Cornea Consultants of AZ. He was recommended to me by the Eye Clinic at UCLA where he did his fellowship. Here's a link to their web site http://www.cornea.eyemd.org/. I have seen all the doctors in the practice and all are outstanding. Hopefully this information will be useful.

Mike Bartolatz
Posts: 6595
Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2004 9:58 pm

Re: DR in Pheonix, AZ recommended by one of our members

Post by Mike Bartolatz »

the link indicates they are fellowship trained cornea specialists, not uveitis specialists. do you know about immunomodulation for uveitis? do they have a stepladder approach to treatment of iritis and other forms of uveitis?

Mike Bartolatz
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:34 am

Re: DR in Pheonix, AZ recommended by one of our members

Post by specedteacher »


When you hit the site, click on his name:

http://www.cornea.eyemd.org/ypol/user/u ... Page^CAT^1

Cornea and External Disease,
Refractive Surgery, Cataract
Surgery, Uveitis, Contact
Lenses, Glasses Prescriptions

And if you click on his CV http://www.cornea.eyemd.org/ypol/user/u ... geid=90142:

Fellowship: University of California, Davis - Heed Fellowship in Cornea, External Disease, Uveitis, and Refractive Surgery

Not to mention his time at Jules Stein (UCLA) - Which is who referred me.

He is also a member of the American Uveitis Society.

According to his CV his research interests are:

Corneal and Refractive Surgery
Treatment of Ocular Disease

Hopefully this answers your questions about his qualifications. :mrgreen:

As to the rest of your questions. No I don't know about immunomodulation or a stepladder approach.

He got me from UCLA already under treatment. We've been doing the predfort thing which knocks it down pretty well. I have had a problem with it coming back again. If I have another flare up, he is going to start me on a new medication that is a lot stronger than the predfort. He has heard a lot of good stuff about it and wants to try it out in his practice. I am one of his best patients (follows directions, catches it early, doesn't screw around with it) so he wants me to be one of the first to try the new meds. I think it's the stuff you mentioned on another page, just don't ask me to try to spell it :P

He's also had me test for diabetes to see if I had a tendency in that direction (he said there were links with diabetes and iritis). I came out negative with good levels. So that's out.

I also spoke with my regular eye doctor, and she couldn't stop saying how wonderful he was.So he's also got a good rep locally.

Actually I hesitated in sharing him. His practice is already very busy, and I don't want it to get any tougher to get an appointment. :lol:

Have a great day!
Last edited by specedteacher on Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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